What is all this?
I tell you in a video
The answer to that question could be a long and tedious manifesto, but my intention is not to bore you, so I decided to make a video that explains everything you need to know about me and my job.
More than a freelancer; I am responsible for ideas, projects and occupations conceived and presented under this my personal brand. A sociologist, irreverent and passionate about the culture of the country of the Rising Sun, hacker by hobby, story designer, writer of concerns and… Oh, I forgot, I’m also learning to be a trader.
Some of
My Work

Counting part of my publications as well as literary works, certain considerations about society, reflections more banal than utilitarian and even those futuristic or not so futuristic projects that include cables, batteries and interesting designs living and moving from computer to computer. They are just a review of everything I do and that I will gather on this site and under this brand.